A modern farm: Westwind Orchard | New York (USA)

The Westwind Orchard, first planted by Chester Khon in the 1930s, is a 32-acre apple orchard farm in the Hudson River Valley owned by partners Laura Ferrara and Fabio Chizzola. Inspired by apple growing, the fashion editor/stylist and photographer-turned-farmers have dramatically renovated the farmhouse over the last eight years to create 'a vision of a local farming future for our region'. The farm grows pears, raspberries, garlic, grapes and squash and also houses a flock of chickens, honey beehives and maple trees. The interior of the farmhouse is a delicate blend of traditional and contemporary design and neatly reflects the couple’s unconventional yet sophisticated taste. The rustic dark wood that lines the floors and walls is offset by soft furnishings including quilts, long pile carpets and custom-made furniture to create a warm yet rustic space.
Read more about Westwind Orchard.