Benjamin Edmonds of Blok Knives | Derby (UK)

Appreciating something’s value is a notion of individual taste and judgment, no matter its form, but appreciating its value often brings unity. Investing in a bespoke chef’s knife may not be something of recent consideration but nevertheless allow us to present Blok Knives. Designed and handmade in the heart of Derbyshire, Blok Knives are individually crafted by craftsman Benjamin Edmonds. Each purpose built knife is hand ground, finished and tested in Benjamin’s Crow Studio workshop (Unit 2, 29 Great Northern Road, Derby, DE1 1LR).
Born from a passion for quality and a love for all things handmade, Benjamin’s addiction to sharp edges has firmly grounded him in what he wishes for Blok Knives going forward. His obsession for fine finishing and attention to detail is visible with each and every blade crafted. Visit Benjamin’s Blok Knives for more information and knife enquiries.