Building Block | Los Angeles (USA) | By Emma Harrison

Established in 2011 by sisters Kimberly and Nancy Wu, Building Block is a design studio based in an airy loft in downtown LA. Created from a shared love of minimalist fashion and industrial design, the pair reimagine classic shapes and ‘edit out excess’ to produce their range of structured accessories.
A former concept car designer for Honda’s Advanced Studio, Kimberly teamed up with Nancy, a former footwear designer for Nike, to counter the culture of fast fashion and trend-based design. The result is a blend of classic luxury and utility that incorporates unusual industrial items such as rubber tubing, wooden balls, and brass rods with bold silhouettes.
Earlier this year, Building Block opened a collaborative studio and store with concept gallery Iko Iko, to read more or browse online, check out their website. We’ve also heard that a furniture range may be in the pipeline…