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Entries in Seaweed (1)


Haeckels Seaweed Skincare | Cliftonville, Margate (UK)

Margate, a seaside town in the district of Thanet (East Kent) has, like many British coastal resorts, endured steady decline over the decades. As traditional seaside resorts fall out of favour with modern holidaymakers, Margate has instead let its natural beauty captivate attention and the town boasts an abundance of coastal walks, beaches and ocean. While Margate's regeneration has including attractive openings such as the Turner Contemporary and the re-opening of Dreamland, our attention has been drawn to premium organic skincare maker Haeckels who incorporate the town's history and environmental amenities into their products.

Named after late 19th century German botanist, philosopher and artist Ernest Haeckel, Haeckels was founded by Dom Bridges over four years ago after he devised creative ways in which to use Thanet's large seaweed deposits (between 6,000-7,000 tonnes). Bridges started by making soap for friends one Christmas and from there, with an interest in halassotherapy, he grew a seaweed fragrance, skincare and treatment range made from hand-harvested wild seaweed and other local ingredients.

Bridges, only one of two people in the UK to own a license to gather seaweed, harvests the aquatic plant-like algae then cleans, dehydrates and steam-distils the seaweed as preparation for use. All Haeckels products are free of toxins or symmetric compounds and are made in Margate using local seaweeds, plants and herbs such a lavender, parsley and rosemary. The range includes eight perfumes; each containing natural ingredients foraged at the GPS reference on the label, as well as candles, incense, beard oils, body wash and a Courtesy Flush fragrance.

To read more about Haeckels plant-based 100% natural skincare visit their shop and laboratory at 18 Cliff Terrace, Cliftonville or visit Haeckels online.