PARIS 48°49N 2°29E | Ami Sioux | Paris (FRA) | By Lee Fleming

The °Books is a series of exploration photography by Paris-based photographer and singer Ami Sioux. Born in East Berlin in 2003 where Ami has been living for three years, The °Books was an idea brought about by Ami's own experiences of being guided by hand drawn maps, given to her as directions to somewhere as East Berlin was still bring rebuilt.
Starting with REYKJAVIK 64°08N 21°54W, PARIS 48°50N 2°23E is the second in the series where Ami asks fifty city inhabitants to hand draw a map to a place that's significant or important to them personally, for any reason. Ami uses the hand drawn maps to navigate to each location and takes a photograph to represent each location. Designed by Ahohen & Lamberg and published by OFR, the cartography contributors to PARIS 48°50N 2°23E can seen here. Each °Book aims to portray a city as interpreted by those who live and work there daily. Not to be mistaken as a guide, but rather, a unique way of discovering different parts of the city.
To read more about the ° Book series visit Ami's website.