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Entries in Photography (51)


Champ Magazine | Nigel Cabourn AW15 Collection | Tokyo (JPN) | By Lee Fleming

The IDMC° team have been admirers of Nigel Cabourn's clothing for a long time. The British designer's passion for vintage clothing is commendable along with both his mens and womenswear collections, designed at Nigel's Newcastle-based studio.

The upcoming Nigel Cabourn Autumn/Winter 2015 Womenswear Collection has been featured in a fitting editorial by Champ Magazine. Shot in Champ Magazine's Tokyo-based studio by Melbourne-based photographer Olivia Lorraine Tran and styled by Stuart Walford, the collection's inspirations include women's workwear and war photographer Gerda Taro.

To view the full Autumn/Winter 2015 editorial visit the Champ Magazine website.


PARIS 48°49N 2°29E | Ami Sioux | Paris (FRA) | By Lee Fleming

The °Books is a series of exploration photography by Paris-based photographer and singer Ami Sioux. Born in East Berlin in 2003 where Ami has been living for three years, The °Books was an idea brought about by Ami's own experiences of being guided by hand drawn maps, given to her as directions to somewhere as East Berlin was still bring rebuilt.

Starting with REYKJAVIK 64°08N 21°54W, PARIS 48°50N 2°23E is the second in the series where Ami asks fifty city inhabitants to hand draw a map to a place that's significant or important to them personally, for any reason. Ami uses the hand drawn maps to navigate to each location and takes a photograph to represent each location. Designed by Ahohen & Lamberg and published by OFR, the cartography contributors to PARIS 48°50N 2°23E can seen here. Each °Book aims to portray a city as interpreted by those who live and work there daily. Not to be mistaken as a guide, but rather, a unique way of discovering different parts of the city.

To read more about the ° Book series visit Ami's website.


Kennedy Magazine | Issue Three | Athens (GRE) | By Lee Fleming

Yesterday saw the launch of Kennedy Magazine's latest issue at London's Tender Books on Cecil Court. A Biannual Journal of Curiosities, Advert free Kennedy Magazine was co-founded by Athens-based photographer Chris Kontos and graphic designer Angelo Pandelidis because the duo wanted to create "a journal about the people and places we love”. Curated by Kontos, Issue three continues to blend the magazine's well judged balance of interviews, photographic essays, creative writing, fashion and style sections. Featured content includes Lawrence Weiner, Gary Panter, Chris Olberding of Gitman Vintage, Several;, Our Legacy, Nozaki, Jonathan Brown of Leadapron plus.

Easily recognisable by its striking British racing green, the magazine's aesthetic is overseen by David McFarline and Christopher Moorby of London-based Commission Studio. Kennedy magazine's charm goes beyond its consistent simplicity and good design, but more so its order of content which is both respectful and gives the title a modest sense of rhythm.

To read more visit the Kennedy Magazine website.


Hole & Corner Magazine | Des Pawson | London (UK) | By Lee Fleming

Recently on Hole & Corner Magazine is this feature on researcher and historian Des Pawson, who founded the Museum of Knots and Sailors’ Ropes. The insightful feature highlights how Des Pawson became obsessed with ropes and documents his passion alongside the tools Pawson has gathered over 60 years.

"Pawson first became interested in ropes when he was seven years old, and an uncle gave him a book for boy scouts about knots. He wasn’t in the scouts, but he was into the knots, and he didn’t look back."

Having given up full-time work in 1989 to concentrate on his rope business which he does alongside his wife Liz, Pawson opened his Museum of Knots and Sailors’ Ropes in 1996. The photography that accompanies the Hole and Corner Magazine feature is by British photographer Luke Stephenson.

To read the full feature visit the Hole & Corner Magazine website.


Nerhol - Index | Foam | Amsterdam (NLD) | By Lee Fleming

Amsterdam-based Foam present the first international exhibition of Nerhol, a successful Japanese artist unit who explores the concept of the photographic portrait. Founded in 2007, Nerhol is a collaboration between graphic designer Yoshihisa Tanaka and the sculptor Ryuta Iida. Together the duo combines photographic and sculptural techniques to reveal a complexity that photography usually obscures.

The Nerhol – Index exhibition features layered portraits of a single subject photographed for the duration of several minutes. The process involves 200 images, which then are printed, bound and then sheared off, layer by layer, to produce the final, dizzying portrait.

The Nerhol – Index exhibition runs until Sunday 21st June and has been made possible by Van Bijleveltstichting and The Japan Foundation. To read more visit the Foam website where you can also purchase the Nerhol – Phase of Everything book.

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